Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Crunches for Awesome Abdominals

Side to Side crunchIf your are looking for an awesome abdominals, you can start with Crunches. Your abs are one of the easiest bodyparts to train at home, and this top-to-bottom routine takes only 15 minutes to complete. Perform each of the exercises 3-4 days a week, periodically swapping out these moves for other favorites and you should start noticing weight loss with these exercises:
  • Crunch
    Lie faceup with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, or bend your knees and bring your feet up in the air. Be sure your lower back is pressed firmly into the floor. Touch your hands behind your head and curl your upper chest toward your hips, lifting your shoulder blades off the floor. For a more advanced move, lift your feet and curl your knees toward your chest as your crunch your torso up. Squeeze your abs before lowering back to the start. As you become more advanced, increase the reps to 20-25. Correct technique should bring you to muscle failure. If you feel you can do more, you may need to tighten your form.
  • Reverse Crunch
    Begin by lying faceup on the floor. Bend your knees, lift your legs 90 degrees from your hips and place your hands under your lower back. Contract through your lower abs to slowly curl your pelvis off the floor and toward your ribeage, holding for a moment at the top. Slowly lower your legs and hips back to the start position.
  • Side-to-Side Crunch
    Start in the same position as the crunch. Support your head by placing your hands lightly behind it, then lift your head and shoulder blades off the floor. Hold this position and crunch to your right side to work your obliques, thinking of bringing your right elbow to your right hip while keeping your lower back pressed firmly against the floor. Repeat to the left side. Your abs will perform an isometric contraction as you hold your head and shoulder blades off the floor, putting the muscular stress on the obliques.

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