Monday, December 28, 2009

Choose Tips to Lose Weight-Loss Plan for Life

Now The Ball is in your court. Yor have all the information and the skills needed to make significant lifestyle changes. It's your choice and you can do it. Just remember the three important strategies.
Choose Tips to Lose Weight-Loss Plan for LifeStrategies For Success
  • Eat a Low-Fat Diet
Use a fat budget to put all foods in prespective and make wise food choices. Eat under your Fat Budget -- it's a ceiling, not a goal -- but be sure to include an occasional high-fat favorite so you don't feel deprived. Use the Food Tables and nutrition labels to determine the fat calories in foods so you know exactly what you are eating.
  • Eat Lots of Nutrient-Dense, Fiber Rich
To be successful for a lifetime, it is of utmost importance that you are not hungry. You must eat lots of food. Of course this recommendation does not include lots of high-fat food or empty calories. Only if you eat enough calories of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-or nonfat dairy, and low-fat meats will you consume enough vitamins, menerals, and fiber for long-term health. Eat real, full, delicious meals so you are content and satisfied. Choose to Lose Weight-Loss Plan for Men is for the long term.
  • Exercise Aerobically Every Day(Walking Is Fine)
Aerobic exercise builds and preserves muscle and muscle burns fat. Exercise expands your energy needs, so if you are eating a low-fat, nutrient-dense, fiber-rich, and you lose weight. Aerobic exercise is essential for long-term health. Add strength training and stretching, and you'll be in great condition to live a long and full life.

To help you fulfill these weight loss strategies, keep a food record. It is the only way you will truly know if you are eating within your Fat Budget, if you are eating enough calories to maximize you BMR, consume adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and be full and happy, and if you are meeting the recommendations of the Food Guide so you know you are eating a balanced diet.

Remember: Choose Exercising to Lose Weight is not a sometime thing; it is forever. Make your goal to incorporate the three Exercising to Lose Weight strategies into your life...forever, and you will be a huge success.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Easy Ways To Cut Calories In Your Diet

There's no magic formula for weight loss. But there are some proven ways to help with your battle of the bulge. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Chicago Tribune offer the following healthy eating tips.

Eat Until You're Satisfied, Not Stuffed. Overeating is one of the leading causes of weight gain. You'll be surprised that is usually doesn't take a whole lot to satisfy your appetite.

Take Smaller Portions. Reducing those heaping portion sizes helps keep you from overeating. Of course, if you're still hungry, you can get seconds.

Make Painless Cuts and Substitutions that save hundreds of calories. If you want dessert, forego the pre-dinner cocktail--or vice versa. Substitute sherbet or nonfat frozen yogurt for premium ice cream. Opt for mustard instead of mayonnaise on your sandwich. Bake, broil or roast meats instead of frying and choose lean cuts.

Consume The Bulk Of Your Calories Before Dark. You burn more calories during the hustle and bustle of the day than you do snacking in front of the TV at night, so try to eat two-thirds of your calories before 5 p.m. Limit dinner to 500 calories if you want to lose weight.

Eat Breakfast. It gets you going and keeps you from overeating at lunch since you won't be starved out.

Drink More Water, Less Soda. Your body needs at least eight, 8-ounce glasses of water a day to run smoothly, in every sense of the word. Having water with your meals instead of soda helps you consume less calories, caffeine and sugar.

Prepare Home-Cooked Meals More Often. Studies show that people eat more calories when dining out, probably because you have less control over how your food is prepared and more calorie-laden options.

Don't Bring Junk Foods Into Your Home. Your know the old saying, "Out of sight, out of mind." You won't eat what's not around.

Find Easy Ways To Put More Fruits And Vegetables To Your Diet. Snack on raw vegetables instead of potato chips. Add fruit to your cereal at breakfast. Use the salad bar when you go out for lunch or to the grocery store, and load up on juice instead of the usual coffee, tea or soda.

Keep A Food Diary. Do you consume the bulk of your calories at morning, noon or night? Do you snack when you're bored, stressed or depressed? Are you skimping on fruits and vegetables? Track your eating patterns for at least 3 days to increase your awareness of your diet and reveal and redflag habits.

Don't Deprive Yourself. Most diets don't work because they aren't realistic. Eat the foods you like, just in moderation. And exercise, which is a key to lasting weight loss.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Measuring Success in Weight Loss

Fat Loss:
How do you measure your success? You probably think that weighing yourself on a scale every day is the best way to see your progress. We recommend that you THROW AWAY YOUR SCALE. Give it to someone you want to drive crazy. Choose to Lose Weight-Loss Plan for Men is not about Weight loss. It is about fat loss. (Rest assured, if you lost fat, you will lose weight.)

The only weight loss that is meaningful and permanent and has long term health benefits is fat loss. If you reduce your intake of fat, eat lots of nutritious total calories, you will lose fat. But the scale does not distinguish among water loss, muscle loss, and fat loss.

In the first few weeks of following Choose to Lose Weight-Loss Plan for Men, you will be losing fat and building muscle. This muscle has weight. Actually, muscle is heavier than fat. In the long run added muscle will help you burn fat. In the short run, because the muscle you are building may weight as much as the fat you are losing, the scale may not show a loss.

A more accurate and positive way to measure your fat-loss progress is to see how you fit into your clothes. Fitting into a smaller pair of pants indicates that you are losing fat and building lean muscle mass, which is just as important as losing pounds. In fact, it is more important, because the greater your muscle mass, the greater your metabolic capacity to burn get and the more weight you will lose in the future.

Health, Stamina, Energy, Joie de Vivre, Etc.

Choose Exercising to Lose Weight is about fat-loss success, but it is about much more. When you can jump out of bed each morning bursting with energy, that's Exercising to Lose Weight success. When you walk 3 miles and don't feel tired, that's Exercising to Lose Weight success. When you eat a meal and don't suffer heart-burn, that's Exercising to Lose Weight success. When you see that your cholesterol level blood pressure level have plummeted, that's Exercising to Lose Weight success. When you are proud to be seen in a bathing suit or shorts, that's Exercising to Lose Weight success. When you look forward to seeing your great grandchildren graduate from college, that's Exercising to Lose Weight success.

Exercising to Lose Weight success can be measured in increased stamina, endurance, energy, self-esteem, love of life, and long term good health. Exercising to Lose Weight will make and keep you thin, and it will make a tremendous impact on the quality of your life. You just have to do it.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Predictors of Success in Weight Loss

Here is a list of predictors of success help to lose weight. Follow them, and you will be a success.
  1. Focus on health, not weight loss.
  2. Focus on body size changes, not scale changes.
  3. Replace high-fat foods with low-fat foods.
  4. Eat enough total calories by eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-or nonfat dairy.
  5. Exercise aerobically at least 30 minutes every day.
  6. Eat real, full meals.
  7. Eat within your Fat Budget.
  8. Budget in an occassional high-fat splurge.
  9. Eat out rarely.
  10. Cook or have someone cook for you. Prepare recipes from Eater's Choice Low-Fat Cookbook or other low-fat cookbooks.
  11. Have Patience!